Draw the attention of the admirers with the pure gadwal silk saree with golden and silver zari work in the form of butta alluring the body and traditional work on the pallu and the border has the temple design in woven in the most traditional method on the inner side.
- Color: A shade of navy blue and green color
- Technique: Amazing work of golden and silver zari buti on the body with traditional weaving on the rest of the saree
- Fabric: Gadwal Silk
- Quality: Indyvogue's Assurance of Pure Silk Mark Certified Saree
- Occasions: Festival, Wedding, Party Wear
- Fabric Type: Silk Mark Certified, Gadwal Silk
- Work: Hand Woven, Zari Work
- Blouse Piece: Contrast Blouse Piece
- Fall / Pico: Comes with Falls and Pico
- Region: Southern India
- Length: 212 in / 538.48 centimeters (cm)
- Width: 46 in / 116.84 centimeters (cm)
- Weight: 1.59 lb / 0.72 Kilograms
- Country of Origin: India