Vasant Panchami has arrived and it’s a festive time. All across India (mainly Northern and Eastern India), on this auspicious day of Vasant Panchami several Hindu religious practices take place. Most famous is Bengals Saraswati Puja and Punjabs Vasant Kite Festival. Though the Punjabi festival is not any particular religion bound.
In Eastern India we celebrate Saraswati puja with great respect and dedication and pray to the Deity a successful educational year, prosperity in art, craft, cultural fields. Goddess of Learning Devi Saraswati has an immense captivity among youngsters.
Not only the learning connection, but Saraswati puja or the Vasant Panchami also denotes the season of Love. This festival announces the arrival of the Spring season and in Indian tradition Spring (Vasant) Season (Writu) spreads love. And considering this occasion Yellow is the ceremonial color related to the bloom of the Mustard Flowers this period, which is also very important in Northern India.
And this Yellow colour has become tradition of Sarswati puja and also maintain the latest trends. Boys in Yellow Punjabi and girls in Yellow Saree- is the continuing trend of this festivity....just like this one we have in our collection !!!!!
And if silk is something that you are looking for, nothing beats this pure Bishnupuri Silk, Silk Mark Certified for your Saraswati Puta attire.
Primary School girls to Young College Girl, A Newly In Love Lady to a Strict High School Principal - a simple or a gorgeous Yellow Saree is almost must. Schools, Educational Institutes, Neighbouring Households - everything becomes bright with Yellow Sarees, Yellow Punjabis, Yellow Marigolds (must for the Saraswati Puja), garlands and most importantly with the Saraswati Idol wearing Yellow Saree.
In case, Yellow is Tradition of Indian Culture during Vasant Panchami or Saraswati Puja and at the same time it is the ongoing Trend. Whatever the Fashion Trend is, for the event of Saraswati Puja Saree is the Indian Woman’s attire and Yellow is the color to celebrate!
Yellow is the color of Brightness, Cheerfulness, Joy, Success and obviously of Saraswati Puja.