It has been just 7 months that we launched but in this short span, your overwhelming love and support has been a source of inspiration to team IndyVogue. And so we decided that the site needs to get a makeover so that your shopping experience gets smoother, better and most importantly you find the things that your are looking for. Here is few of the things that we are adding....
- A much richer home page with a lot of information at your finger tip to help you take the right decision.
- Categorized product catalog so that you can navigate to what you want pretty quickly and smoothly
- No sold out products at the main category but you can still check them out at the "You just missed it !!!" section
- Better imagery and presentation of information
- A product quick view page to quickly check the product details
- From your product page you can now navigate to the next product, no need to go back to the collection page
- Currency dropdown to check the price in your preferred currency
- ....... and lots more.....
So, please, please send us your valuable feedback about your experience with this new site and love us the way you have always !!!!! Happy surfing